Hippy Highlights

I occasionally update this page. This is one of those occasions. It’s now February 2024. And it is also my 20th anniversary of pretending to be a hippy online for fun and [no] profit. I’m celebrating, sort of. Well, I’m thinking about it. That counts as celebrating, doesn’t it?

#EpilepsyHippy is a brand new section I’ve added to the site, since being diagnosed with a rare, complex, hard to treat type of it called Right Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (RTLE). It’s a depressing read, and you’re obviously under no obligation to visit it. It’s all raw, it’s all real, and it’s all extremely honest. I know it doesn’t really count as a highlight, it simply exists. And as my seizures aren’t well controlled, this section will continue to grow, and dominate my output, probably until it kills me. Just sayin’

“The Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll Collection”, is my latest big project. It is a loosely connected series of stories, all conceived, and/or written in a 5 week period in Spring of 2023, between seizure events. Think of it is as a sequel to my book, Personal Use, with one fictional short story thrown in for good measure.

Here are some other old pieces worthy of your valuable time:

I was a background artist on the BBC’s Ten O’Clock News – This is how I outed myself, and it’s who I used to be. Epilepsy put an end to it, only back when I wrote this piece, I didn’t know that yet.

Countdown to the End of the World -This is a podcast idea of mine, and I’ve posted a partial proposal online to gauge reactions. There’s even a brief audio promo, have a listen. It’s already out of date. The climate breakdown, and collapse of our society is happening “faster than expected”. If I am ever going to do this, I need to get my skates on.

OK, Doomer – I’ve been an amateur doomer for a long time. I’m trying to turn pro. I’m aiming to be the Doomer in Chief.

Surviving the Climate Apocalypse – I’ve been interested in the apocalypse for a while. So you could also call me the Archduke of Armageddon.

But I don’t just write about the end of the world. Here’s a really personal piece I wrote about my dad: Dachau and my Dad – I reflect on my father’s role in the liberation of Dachau. He was there on the day.

I also write a lot about cannabis, and drug law reform. Here’s a small selection:

The Problem(s) with British Medicinal Cannabis – It’s great the UK has a legal system for medicinal cannabis, but it has been very poorly implemented. I highlight a few home truths, and there’s bound to be an opinion in there that pisses someone off.

Recreational Use is a Myth – If you count alcohol, and I do, I have been taking various drugs for 48 years. In that time, I’ve learned a thing or two, and reached a few conclusions. This is one of the more controversial ones.

Cannabis: In the news, but for the wrong reasons – Cannabis often hits the headlines, but it’s not the real story. The real story is the failure of prohibition, yet again.

Medicinal Cannabis & Me – It’s a good story, with some fun twists and turns, a few unexpected personal details, a flashback to the early 1980s, and a surprise ending

REVEALED: The Shocking Link Between Tea and EVERYTHING BAD! – The media is often full of exaggerated tales from the world of drugs. Why do they get to make stuff up, and have all the fun? My turn.

Hating String Beans – They are now my favourite vegetable, but that’s not really what this is really about

I hang out on Twitter a lot. Here’s a piece I wrote years ago, about how bad I am at using it:

Why I Suck at Twitter – You should still follow me anyway

I also wrote a book,. You might have noticed discreet adverts for it, here on my site. I wrote “Personal Use” while working for BBC News.

Technically, I wrote it while sitting in their newsroom. It’s all about being a drug user for 35 years. It’s over 40 years now. Here’s an extract from the book. Spoiler alert: The night Princess Diana died, is the last time I took LSD. These things may be related.

The night Princess Diana died (Extract from “Personal Use”) – I didn’t kill her, I only felt like I did

I didn’t promote the book much, I was too nervous about losing my job. But I did manage to get interviewed live on LBC radio. I wrote about the experience here:

“The Personal Risk of “Personal Use” – The interview audio is embedded, if you want to listen to a nervous make-believe hippy be interviewed on a national radio station.

Personal Use – If you really want to know way too much about me, you could always check out my book. People who’ve read it, dig it. You will too!

Personal Use – Book Montage

After a 30 year career as a journalist, working for some of the largest news organisations in the world, including Associated Press, and Reuters, and 15 years as an overnight duty news editor for BBC News, Doug – the northlondonhippy is now a full time writer, and make believe hippy.

Doug is also the author of “Personal Use by the northlondonhippy.”  “Personal Use” chronicles Doug’s first 35 years of drug use, while calling for urgent drug law reform. It’s a cracking read, you will laugh, you will cry, and you can bet your ass that you will wish you were a hippy too!

You can find Doug –  the northlondonhippy on Twitter: @nthlondonhippy and a host of other platforms

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